Eric Wagner

Bio for Eric Wagner, Vice President of Wagner Meters

Eric Wagner, vice president of Wagner Meters since 2018, represents the third generation of Wagners for the company founded by his grandfather, Delmer Wagner. Eric has been working at the company since he was in middle school. At first, he learned about the guts of each product while helping ‌in manufacturing. During high school and college, where he studied engineering, Eric worked in a variety of departments. In addition to manufacturing, he helped in the engineering department, including in research and development where the challenge of finding solutions for product development invigorated Eric.

He remains fueled by his desire to innovate, not only in product development but in marketing too. Eric co-created the marketing department in 2011, when he joined Wagner Meters full-time. He saw that even innovative, top-quality products need a strong marketing team supporting them. Eric had taught himself web design and various scripting languages. In marketing, he could deploy his knowledge about both moisture meters and web design.

In 2012, Eric became the head of the marketing department. He directed Wagner Meters’ transition into digital marketing and oversaw the successful launches of the current generation of handheld moisture meters and other new products. Under Eric’s leadership, the marketing arm of the company expanded to become a separate firm, i7 Marketing, that now also provides digital marketing services to select clients and small companies in boutique industries that offer premium products.

Eric enjoys talking with Wagner’s customers and listening to their issues and preferences. He uses the customer feedback to figure out what new features customers will value most. Eric gets a thrill every time the company lands on a viable solution to meet customers’ needs. He remains active with engineering and product development and is on the inventor list for three Wagner Meters’ patents (dated 2016, 2017, and 2020).

As vice president, Eric remains committed to his grandfather’s and father’s guiding principles for Wagner Meters:

First, that the company brings the best quality, premium products to market, engineered to work together to help people improve their craft and their business.
Second, that Wagner Meters goes above and beyond to communicate with and help teach customers and others in the industry. The goal is to learn from them and be an unmatched resource for them.

Eric and his wife Kim have two young children. He’s an active volunteer in the community and a leader at his church. Before having kids, he was a hobbyist woodworker, building larger things like furniture as well as smaller crafts. Now he spends as much family time as he can enjoying the outdoors. He and his family have a mini-farm with a fairly decent garden. Eric also makes it a priority to go on at least one whitewater rafting trip each year with friends along the Rogue River. Plus he is always looking for a new hike to explore. Eric is continually exploring and learning new things, including becoming a licensed drone pilot.