The Omega In-Line Moisture Measurement System is your most important moisture data collection and analysis tool. Pre-planer or post-planer, sideways or end-to-end, the benefits are the same when you use the Wagner Omega System to detect and monitor QC issues: minimized moisture-related degrade that will improve both grade recovery and the bottom line.
Learn MoreIs that kiln charge ready to pull? You can make a better-informed decision with the MC4000 In-Kiln Moisture Measurement System. The MC4000 is the latest in Wagner’s revolutionary in-kiln moisture measurement system concepts.
The MC4000 measures up to eight separate zones to give you the information you need. It functions well in kiln environments up to 300°F and offers an open architecture design, which allows integration with common kiln control systems.
Learn MoreYou can scan more wood faster using the rugged L600 series of moisture meters that are ideal for harsh, industrial environments.
These meters are engineered for deeper readings that prevent you from missing problematic moisture gradients and higher moisture levels in the core of the wood. Plus check out the stack probe accessory for reaching wood inside the stack where high moisture exists/lurks.