5 Things You MUST Consider When Quoting a Flooring Job

Imagine this: you’ve been working hard to promote your flooring business, and you finally have your first client. You’re overjoyed at the prospect of your first flooring job but then…you remember that you have to send them a quote, and you have no idea where to start.

Has this ever happened to you? Or do you just want to avoid the quoting aspect of the job completely? Not to worry. This article is here to be your guide so that you can be the master of the quoting process.

In this article, you’ll learn the 5 things you need to remember to help you create your quote and give your clients the confidence and information they need to hire you for the job:

  1. Cost of Materials
  2. Cost of Labor
  3. Timelines
  4. Guarantees
  5. Accuracy

Let’s get started on your journey to quoting success.

Cost of Materials

The first thing you want to think about when you are writing up a quote for a new client is the cost of materials.

Pinpointing the cost of materials will help give you a jumping-off point to calculating the final cost of a project.

Pinpointing the cost of materials is always an important element for calculating the overall cost of a project.

Pinpointing the cost of materials is always an important element for calculating the overall cost of a project.

The first and most obvious material to add to this cost is the cost of the new flooring. This will vary depending on the type of flooring as well as the square footage of the space. Make it clear in your quote whether the flooring cost is accurate to the exact space or does it include extra materials that the client can keep at the end of the project.

Materials also include moldings. This is a separate cost to the flooring itself, as is the finish for the planks. Be clear about the sealants and finishes that will be applied to the floor, and add that to the cost.

Underlayment for the floor is another material to include in this cost.

Lastly, don’t forget all the other materials you will supply such as special tools and fixings that must be purchased for the project plus any sales tax.

Cost of Labor

Cost of labor is the next thing to think about when considering the overall cost of a project.

At first, this can seem pretty straightforward: what do you need to pay yourself and your crew in order to complete this project?

But the details of the individual flooring job will impact the kinds of labor required.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to more thoroughly determine the labor cost other than the baseline of paying yourself and your crew:

  • Will you need to dispose of the existing flooring?
  • Does the subfloor need to be repaired or replaced?
  • Does the flooring have to be adjusted to match adjoining rooms?
  • Will doors, appliances, or furniture need to be moved?
  • Do moldings need to be installed?

Another factor to consider is if there is any existing moisture damage that needs to be remediated before the job can be completed.

If moisture is impacting the current floor or subfloor, it will also harm the new flooring if it is not addressed. You can determine whether or not a moisture-related issue exists using a pinless moisture meter like the Orion line from Wagner Meters. This is a tool that will give you the information you need to make a proper assessment.


Timelines are extremely important. Be sure to communicate with your client if you have to adjust the project timeline for any reason.

Timelines, besides cost, are the part of the quote with the biggest potential for client disappointment.

If you give your client a 2-week timeline but take 4 or 5 weeks to complete a project, you could be hurting your business.

When quoting a project, be as realistic upfront as you can be. Always try to finish on time or before. This is a great way to create client loyalty.

However, sometimes unexpected things happen that may extend the timeline. If this happens, keep the line of communication with your client open. Make it clear why you’re running behind schedule and provide a new, realistic completion date. Communication will help your client know that they can trust you.


Guarantees are one part of a quote that many don’t think about.

If you offer a warranty that covers anything concerning the installation, this should be clearly stated on the quote.

Make it clear if non-installation-related issues are covered by your guarantee. For example, do you cover damage to the flooring in your guarantee and offer a replacement? Or does the supplier offer a warranty or guarantee? Make this clear so that your client knows what to expect should they run into any issues.

When it comes to guarantees (and all the other elements to be included in each of your quotes), it’s a good idea to have an attorney review your “stock language” for what to say and what NOT to say. You don’t want to inadvertently promise something you won’t be able to deliver on.


test concrete moisture before floor installation

Aim for accuracy and precision when preparing your flooring quote. If you provide a quote that’s vague or inaccurate, it will hurt your business.

Accuracy is of the utmost importance in any quote.

Quotes that are vague or straight-up inaccurate will hurt your business.

Furthermore, if you give a client a quote for a flooring project, that quote can then become a binding agreement. Breaking that agreement can lead to disappointment and even potential legal action.

Aim for precision on all of the various factors: cost, timelines, deliverables, etc. If you’re accurate regarding every step of the process, then you can likely guarantee a precise and reliable quote for your client.

Not only will your client be impressed with your accuracy, but your business will increase when they leave a good review online or through word-of-mouth.

So What’s Next?

Now that you have these 5 key things to remember, you can tally up a quote that will give you and your client the confidence you need to move forward with your flooring job.

Interested in more articles from Wagner Meters that will help you with your business? Check out this one about building client confidence by teaching them how to keep their floors beautiful!

Last updated on September 21st, 2022

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