Wagner Meters Offers New Webinar That Explores the “Why, What and How of Concrete Moisture Testing”


Wagner Meters News
CONTACT: Jason Spangler
Email: jspangler@wagnermeters.com
(541) 291-5123

Rogue River, OR (Updated April 2022) – Wagner Meters is pleased to offer an all-new training webinar that gives contractors, flooring installers, and building inspectors who work with concrete all the essential information they need for accurate, reliable testing of moisture in concrete floor slabs.

This free hour-long online presentation, titled The Why, What and How of Concrete Moisture Testing, is designed to help industry professionals take advantage of the very latest technologies so that they can avoid a flooring disaster due to excess moisture in concrete.

The new webinar covers a wide range of topics and answers many key questions, such as:

  • How big of an issue is concrete moisture for people working in the flooring industry?
  • What influences the rate at which concrete dries?
  • What is the ideal water-to-cement ratio?
  • How do concrete moisture gradients affect the outcome of a flooring installation?
  • What are today’s best options for concrete moisture testing?
  • What is needed to comply with ASTM guidelines?
  • Which are better, single-use or reusable relative humidity sensors?
  • What are the advantages of using the new Rapid RH® L6 test system?

The highly informative webinar is presented four times per year by Jason Spangler, Flooring Division Manager for Wagner Meters. In addition to explaining the latest scientific information about concrete moisture and how best to test for it, Mr. Spangler will take time to answer each participant’s questions during a Q&A session at the conclusion of the webinar. To learn about upcoming dates or to watch an on-demand, pre-recorded version of the webinar, see the link below.

For more information, or to register for Wagner’s new educational webinar, visit www.wagnermeters.com/concrete-moisture-test/free-webinar.

Last updated on April 6th, 2022

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