How to Make Acclimating Hardwood Flooring Easy

Flooring professionals can avoid moisture-related flooring failures and costly callbacks when they use the right tools. Here’s how: Begin with Wagner Meters’ TH-200 Thermo-Hygrometer to measure the ambient relative humidity and ambient temperature. Plug that information into Wagner’s H2O app to quickly calculate the Equilibrium Moisture Content or EMC. The EMC is the moisture content a wood product will attain when left in its environment long enough. When the wood attains this EMC, it’s ready to be installed.

Using Wagner’s MMC220* wood moisture meter to test the various wood flooring samples will tell installers when the targeted EMC is reached and the wood is fully acclimated. It’s that easy!

*The MMC220 has been replaced with a more advanced moisture meter, the Orion 930.


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